Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week 2 Army Lists

Well now, I just typed up 2 army lists. Due to crappy key stroke (damned wireless keyboard), voila, erased in an instant. So here they are AGAIN. ;-(

Here’s my Eldar list. I tested the “Farseer-Avatar-Wraithlord” combo (see last blog). I’ll follow my list with Ray’s =][=/DH list.


Farseer w/ Doom, Fortune, Spirit Stone, Runes of Warding, Singing Spear upgrade

6 Fire Dragons incl. Exarch w/ Dragon’s Breath flamer
10 Howling Banshees incl. Exarch w/ Executioner
9 Harlequins incl. Shadow Seer (w/ Harlies Kiss) and Troupe Master w/ Power Weapon; troopers armed w/ 4x HKs and 2x Fusion Pistols

10 Dire Avengers incl. Exarch w/ Diresword & Shu-Pistol
10 Dire Avengers incl. Exarch w/ Diresword & Shu-Pistol

Wraithlord w/ Brightlance and double-flamers
Falcon w/ Scatter Laser, Shu-Cannon upgrade, Spirit Stones, Holo-Field, Vectored Engines

Points: 1494


GK Brother Capt.

Inquisitor w/ Psycannon
Eversor Assassin

8 IST w/ 2 plasma guns
> Chimaira w/ Multi-laser & Hvy Bolter
9 IST w/ 2 plasma guns
> Rhino

10 Grey Knights incl. Justicar
10 Grey Knights incl. Justicar
5 Grey Knights incl. Justicar and 2x Psycannons

Grey Knight Dread w/ Assault Cannon, DCCW, Incinerator, X-armor
Lance Strike

Points: 1496

Life sure has gotten in the way of blogging my league experience. I hope to get the full battle report up by the end of tomorrow (thank goodness for the long weekend). Until then, make sure your power weapons are charged and ready for blood!

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