Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Don't play with unprimed miniatures

Had an excellent game last night vs. Ray's Daemonhunters, and not just because I won. Unfortunately, I forgot my notes and army lists at home, so am going to have to put up a bat rep later tonight or tomorrow.

In the interim, I will provide you with the moral of last night's game.


Last night, I fielded a bare-metal Farseer and my Harlequins are still unprimed.

Farseer - 6 Fortunes cast, FOUR (4) of them roll 11s and fail. (at least they weren't 12s)

Harlies - compared to game 1, this time I added the Troupe Master. He actually survived the fusillade of fire (but he was the ONLY one to survive it), and even managed to assist some banshees in wiping out a squad of Grey Knights. Then the bastard failed his Last Man Standing roll and fled the battle. 250 points for the squad, and it netted me back all of 25. Needless to say, GRRRRRRRRRRR.................. ;-(

Well, until I can get a bat rep out, keep the air filled with deadly shuriken fire.

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