Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It Begins...

I am about to embark on a 10-week long Warhammer 40,000 Cities of Death league hosted by All Fun & Games in Apex, NC. I will be taking my Eldar army, since I have had VERY little chance to play with them since the release of their new codex last fall. Over the course of the league, I'm really going to kick the tires on this "new" codex. I'll run everything from a horde list to all-mobile. I'm particularly excited to see how the Harlequins do - I have 9, but won't use the Troupe Master that often (but may use him to "Counts As" an Autarch - he's such a beautiful model).

Here are the basics about the league:
  • Starting date May. 7th 2007 – Ending date . July 16th 2007.
  • Armies will be 1500 pts.
  • No special characters or forge world.
  • This is a simple Cities of Death League. ALL games will be Gama level.
  • You must use the same army type (Traits, Patron God, Doctrine, etc.) during the entire league.
  • Standings will be determined by Wins/Losses/ Draws record. If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine 1st place.
  • There will be a Sportsmanship Award this league.
  • Min. 5 games, Max. 10 games.
  • Best of 5 games will determine league winner, with Battle points to determine tie breakers.

WEEK 5/7 to 5/20: Fire Sweep
WEEK 5/21 to 6/3: High Ground
WEEK 6/4 to 6/17: Domination
WEEK 6/18 to 7/1: Maximum Attrition
WEEK 7/2 to 7/16: Urban Assault

Massacre W:20pts/L:0pts
Major Victory W:17pts/L:3pts
Minor Victory W:13pts/L:7pts
Draw 10pts each

So the league starts this coming Monday Night. I hope to post bat-reps of each of my games, as well as some "philosophical waxing" about what I tested in that game, and how it fared.

Until next week - Ciao for Now!

1 comment:

HMT said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere! I look forward to reading about your future victories!

I wish I was able to play in the CoD League but summer is just too busy.