Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Missing Out this week...

Real life has gotten in the way of gaming this week. Bummer.

But, that hasn't made me stop thinking of the league and theorizing about some neat list themes I'd like to try out. Here's what I've narrowed it down to. I'd like to try lists that fit these five themes. Probably run each theme once early in the league, then follow up with tweeked versions later in the league--in other words, try them at least once each, and then re-try the ones that were particularly good and/or fun.

Themes to test:
  1. Close Combat Oriented Infantry Horde (tried this last week, won)
  2. Stand and Fire Heavy Infantry Horde
  3. Farseer-Avatar-Wraithlord-Aspect Warrior combo (add in Transportation to differentiate from the above Hordes)
  4. Fast list (not to be confused with the Mounted list below, this list features Warp Spiders, Shining Spears, Jetbike HQs, etc.)
  5. Mounted list (not to be confused with the Fast list above, this list features a Falcon and two Wave Serpents filled to the gills with Aspect Warrior goodness)

So that's the idea I (more-or-less) came up with over the last week. In terms of who I play against, I'll think about that more as the league progresses. But I definately want to run up against the Khorne army (Eric). I may even try to fight fire with fire on that one - try to see if I can out-close-combat the Berzerkers (load-up on Howling Banshees and Harlequins). I'd like to go against Jack's Tau again, late in the league after he's had a bit more practice with them. I'd like to play everyone once if possible, but we'll see...

Until next time, keep your Shuriken Catapult pointed forward, preferrably at the enemy...

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