Monday, May 7, 2007

Week 1 List

For tonight's inaugural night of the league, I have decided to try out a Horde type of list. 80 models at a mere 1500 points is an amazing feet (unless you're IG or Nids). Its a Firesweep mission, meaning the objective is to plant flags in unoccupied buildings. The player with the most flags at the end of the game is the winner. My list features 8 scoring units led by a (relatively) cheap HQ Autarch. Some elements of the list will infiltrate (stratagem) and others will come in via mini-webway portals (sewer rats stratagem). I'm itching to try out the Master Sniper stratagem, but that will have to wait for another day... ;-)

Anyway, here's my list:

MJ Eldar Cityfight League Week 1

1 Autarch @ 100 Pts
Independent Character
Master Strategist
Power Weapon
Shuriken Pistol
Fusion Gun
Haywire Grenades
Plasma Grenades

10 Dire Avengers (incl. Exarch) @ 157 Pts
Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Exarch Upgrade
o Dire Sword
o Shuriken Pistol
o Bladestorm

10 Dire Avengers (incl. Exarch) @ 157 Pts
Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Exarch Upgrade
o Dire Sword
o Shuriken Pistol
o Bladestorm

10 Dire Avengers (incl. Exarch) @ 157 Pts
Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Exarch Upgrade
o Dire Sword
o Shuriken Pistol
o Bladestorm

6 Pathfinders @ 144 Pts
Pathfinder Upgrade
o Ignore Difficult Terrain
o Pathfinder Stealth (+2 Cover Save)
o Scouts
o Shuriken Pistol
o Ranger Long Rifle (to hit roll 5+=AP1)

14 Guardian Defenders & 1 Warlock @ 175 Pts
Shuriken Catapult
Bright Lance Weapon Platform
o Fleet
o Embolden
o Rune Armor
o Shuriken Pistol
o Singing Spear

7 Harlequin Troupers & 1 Shadow Seer @ 214 Pts
Dance of Death (Furious Charge and Hit & Run USRs)
Flip Belt
Close Combat Weapon (x3)
Harlequins Kiss (x4)
Fusion Pistol (x2)
Shuriken Pistol (x5)
Hallucinogen Grenades
Shadow Seer
o Dance of Death, Fleet, Flip Belt, Holo-Suit
o Harlequin’s Kiss
o Shuriken Pistol
o Veil of Tears
o Hallucinogen Greandes

10 Striking Scorpions (incl. Exarch) @ 212 Pts
Scorpion Chainsword
Shuriken Pistol
Plasma Grenades
Exarch Upgrade
o Mandiblaster
o Scorpion Chainsword
o Scorpion Claw
o Shadowstrike
o Stalker

10 Fire Dragons (incl. Exarch) @ 180 Pts
Fusion Gun
Melta Bombs
Exarch Upgrade
o Fleet
o Firepike
o Melta Bombs

Total Roster Cost: 1496

...Wish me Luck!!!

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