Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week 3 Army Lists

Wow. This blog is late in coming. My game vs. Dave was like over 2 weeks ago. Better late than never…

This game, I decided to go with a much faster force and I also wanted to break out my Autarch since I had just finished a conversion of one. So here’s my list.

Autarch w/ Jump Generator, Fusion Gun, Power Weapon, Mandiblasters
Farseer w/ Jetbike, Fortune, Doom, Spirit Stones
8 Harlequins incl. Shadowseer (w/ H-kiss), 4x H-kiss, 2x Fusion Pistols, 1x Shu-Pistol/CCW
10 Fire Dragons incl. Exarch w/ Firepike
2 squads of 10 Dire Avengers incl. Exarch w/ Shu-Pistol and Diresword and Bladestorm
10 Warp Spiders incl. Exarch w/ Powerblades, 2x Death Spinners, and Withdraw
5 Shining Spears incl. Exarch w/ Starlance, Skilled Rider, and Withdraw

I did not get a chance to write-down Dave’s SM list, so have to go by a bit of memory and a few notes. Before I get to the list, I have to say, Dave’s SM army is incredible. It LOOKS awesome. It is well painted, features several nice conversions, and many older minis – combined these elements made for an excellent army. But wait, there’s more. Dave told me the backstory about the Chapter (I won’t go into it, I would not do the story justice) and how that guided the Traits he chose. Also, to fit with his fluff, Dave chooses to field ONLY low-level HQs. In essence, his Chapter is a Siege chapter. So he uses the “Devastators can = Elites” trait and the “heavy weapons can be exchanged for assault weapons” trait. The drawbacks were no scouts and no infiltrators (I think). Anyway, Kudos to Dave for his excellent army. Onto the vague list…

Low level Commander
Low level Chaplain
6 (or so) Assault Marines without the jetpacks
2 or 3 Tactical squads w/ 8 (or so) marines, melta and flamer
2 or 3 Devestator squads (6-man, I think) w/ Missiles and Heavy Bolters
Predator Destructor
2 (Yes, TWO) Vindicators

I’ll *TRY* to get a bat-rep up tomorrow night, but I’m striving to have a Deathwing “Belial” and Deathwing Terminator Interrogator-Chaplain painted for an event this weekend (Belial is half done, I-C is about 1/3 done). Until then, keep the mandiblasters charged-up and the teeth of your scorpion chainsword razor sharp!

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