Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program...

Although this is my Cities of Death League Blog, I'm going to momentarily pause to tell about this weekend's event I'll be attending. After the witer holidays and some fieldwork caused me to get little-to-no gaming in, I decided it was time to get in a day's worth of 40k gaming. No good events were presenting themselves, though, so I decided to contact some friends and set-up a round-robin type of event. The original idea was for 4 of us to play a true Round Robin type event (i.e., where each player playes each other player once). Unfortunately, one of the 4 couldn't make it, so the three of us decided to open the event a little and make it a 6-person invitational event. As the three of us discussed what we wanted to do, it became apparent that we wanted what essentially would be an "anti-tournament" (thanks for coining the term, Mike). "What's an 'Anti-Tournament'?" you ask? Basically, it means every element of the event is geared towards being the opposite of what your standard 3-round RTT is.

  • Custom Missions, with 2 assigned to each table (players dice to determine which one is played)
  • 3 unique tables, one of which is Cities of Death
  • 2500 points
  • "anyting goes" (except no flyers, super heavies, or monstrosities) including variant army lists, Chapter Approved units, VDR, etc.
  • 2 'longer' rounds (to accomodate the inflated points values)
  • more relaxed lunch around the barbeque (burgers and brats) rather than the informal huddle around the pizza boxes
  • NO scoring - just playing for playing's sake
  • Door prizes for EVERYBODY

I'll be fielding my Deathwing army. I figured for a one-off event during a league, I'd field one of my non-league armies to "get a break". And since the release of Codex:Dark Angels, I have not had a chance to play my Deathwing. So it was a no-brainer!

So wish me luck. I'm REALLY looking forward to this event! While I sort-of came up with the original idea, I could NOT have done this without the help of Matt and Mike. So thanks guys - I'll try not to beat you up too badly w/ my 32 Terminators, 2 Land Raiders, and Dreadnought... ;-)

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