Sunday, January 27, 2008

2008, Take 2.

........transmitting RSS signal galaxy-wide....

Happy New Year. As you can see from the distinct lack of blogging, I have been out of the loop of late. I failed miserably at the league I was documenting in earlier blogs. Hell, I've failed miserably at a complete other league season since then.

So I got a WarStore gift certificate for my birthday (woot!). After much hand wringing and rubbing, I decided to bulk up my Chaos Space Marine force by getting the last few HQ choices I wanted (I also picked up an Yriel model for my Eldar force). I purchased one (1) Abbadon the Despoiler and one (1) box set of Possessed Chaos Space Marines (plus the Yriel). For now, I just wanted the winged backpacks from the possessed box. Eventually, my intent is to build a nice Independent Character type out of the Possessed box, but magnetize it to depict various weapon combinations and psychic powers. For now, though, the wings were destined for a Daemon Prince and a Sorcerer for my Chaos SM force. The Daemon Prince is the Sauron model from the Lord of the Rings range. I like the height of the model to depict his stature, but he is also not SO big, that the possessed wing-pack looked too tiny. Here's a pic of the Sauron model with the wings attached. I've added a horizontal line to show his height difference compared to the top of Abbadon's head.

I'm very pleased with how the wings' size look in comparison to the rest of the model. ;-)

The second set of wings went to my Sorcerer. The base model is that of the Dark Angels' Grand Master of Librarians Azrael (?), with the simple addition of the winged backpack. His tome (spellbook) will "counts as" his Mark of Tzeentch to grant him a 2nd psychic power.

To these two, I've added stock-standard Abbadon and Yriel, although I did mount Yriel on a larger base built up with green-stuff.

In future blogs, I hope to document the painting of these four Characters. I'll focus on Abbadon and Yriel since they were part of my WarStore purchase. First order of business - a good weather day so I can spray-prime the models. Until then...